sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

To Save You.

Untamed uncalmed energy, will kneel now and follow,
Since stubborn mistakes, make victories hollow,
The lesson's taste, sour, or full of delight,
Is nonsense, to save you, will keep me from fright.

One lesson was carved on my young tender soul,
Burried in time, had emerged from the soil,
Was thrown like an echo, and resounds, Be Here Now,
It sees through your body, vibrating so loud.

This power so kind, had kept me unaware,
The scalpel is not so, it is somehow unfair,
Why then to take it, if it makes so much harm,
To be able to touch in your life's beauty charm.

Perfection of the tounge, makes perfection of the mind,
Consciousness and practice, make perfection of the hand,
The path is long to walk, for this injuries to heal,
That's why the wild high spirit, must instantly bow kneel.

To the voices of your guidance, I must learn to hear and make,
All of you have walked through, the sharp edge of your blades,
Earth and Heaven are so close, just connected by the fog,
The best lesson I've heard to, Let your Teacher be The Dog.

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